Workshop – Merging oceanographic and geophysical interests to study shelf and slope processes with currents and bottom pressure observations and numerical modeling
Event/Workshop Title: Merging oceanographic and geophysical interests to study shelf and slope processes with currents and bottom pressure observations and numerical modeling
Date and Time: Sunday, 18 February 2024: 15:00 – 18:00
Location: New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 223, Second Floor
Opportunities exist to advance the physical oceanographic understanding of Shelf and Slope Processes in an interdisciplinary manner. To study earthquake and tsunamis, geophysicists detect vertical deformation of the seafloor along continental margins by large arrays of bottom pressure sensors (sometimes with current-meters too). The bottom pressures and currents contain ocean water column signals from tides, coastal trapped waves, and other processes, which serve as “ocean noise” for geodetic purposes but signal for physical oceanographic studies. We look for participants with a general interest in Shelf and Slope Processes as well as expertise in seafloor observations and numerical modeling.
Partial travel grant is available from NSF to encourage participation of the following event (Priority will be given to early career participants).
Application deadline: January 1st, 2024
Notification of award: by January 8th, 2024
Please apply here.
Matt Wei (University of Rhode Island)
Karina Ramos-Musalem (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Erik Fredrickson (UT Austin)
Randy Watts (University of Rhode Island)
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