Winter Newsletter

MPOWIR at Ocean Sciences: MPOWIR is planning several activities at Ocean Sciences.

Town Hall: ‘Making the Most of Mentoring Relationships’, Monday, February 12th from 12:45pm- 01:45pm, Oregon Convention Center – D137-D138

MPOWIR recently conducted a community survey on mentoring needs.  Highlights of the survey results will be shared and discussed.  Motivated by the results of the survey, this townhall will provide information for students and early career scientists on building and effectively utilizing mentoring relationships, and best mentoring practices for advisors.  LuAnne Thompson (University of Washington) will be the lead speaker, and will be joined by a panel of individuals diverse in their career stages, employment type, and experiences to share their mentoring perspectives.  All members of the oceanographic community, regardless of gender or career stage, are encouraged to participate.  Lunch will be provided on a first come basis.

MPOWIR Social: Thursday, February 15th from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Produce Row Cafe. Open to all past and current participants and senior scientists involved in MPOWIR activities – come and reconnect! Please RSVP via the included link so we are best able to plan for attendance.

LGBTQ Social:  All LGBTQ oceanographers and allies are welcome to attend a social event in Portland on Wednesday, February 14th from 7:00pm-9:00pm, location to be announced. Come meet your peers and build community! Please RSVP below so we can plan for attendance and send you updates. Any questions can be sent to

NASA MPOWIR Speaker Series: Applications will open in January 2018.  Explore career opportunities at NASA, visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratory or Goddard Space Flight Center, present your research, and network with NASA scientists.

MPOWIR Webinars: The next webinar is planned for May, 2018. Visit the link below suggest topics and to receive updates about scheduled webinars.  Recordings of both Kim Cobb’s and Fiamma Straneo’s presentations will be available online:

MPOWIR Blog: Includes job listings, and announcements of other relevant opportunities.  Please visit regularly.  If you are interested in contributing to the blog, please contact Sarah Clem (

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