Upper Ocean Turbulence Summer School – Gdansk, Poland
July 25 – August 12, 2016. Upper Ocean Turbulence – Summer School, Gdansk, Poland.
Featured speakers:
J. Domaradzki (USC-US), W. Drennan (UM/RSMAS-US), R. Lueck (Rockland/UVic-Canada), D. Bogucki (TAMUCC-US), B. Haus (UM/RSMAS -US), H. Yamazaki (TUMST-Japan), H. Li (JFE-Japan).
The purpose of this school is to teach a group of up to 20 students (graduate students and scientists) in the art of turbulence theory and turbulence measurements. The program includes a 2 week intensive training period (25 July – 5 August) with lectures by a diverse set of international experts that intend to cover a broad spectrum of problems ranging from application of spectral methods in turbulence data analysis to numerical methods in turbulence research. We expect an average of eight hours of lecture per subject area, spread over approximately two weeks. The last week of the program (8-12 August) includes at sea data collection and hands-on experience in data analysis. This includes a one day ship expedition in Gdansk Bay to collect near surface turbulence data using the VMP200 turbulence microstructure profiler.
The cost of the School is $100 – the enrolment fee.
The school is open to international participants. (Participants have to pay for their transport to/from Gdansk.)
For more information see the Course web site http://uot2016.mif.pg.gda.pl/index.html Or contact: darek.bogucki@gmail.com
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