Research Scientist, Dynamics of the Coastal Ocean – Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer

The Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing  ( ) is a joint laboratory (UMR) of several French scientific institutions (IFREMER, CNRS, University of Brest, IRD) with about hundred researchers, engineers, technicians or students.

The Coastal Ocean Team gather scientist working on marginal and coastal sea dynamics and its interactions with ecosystems

Our main topics are :

  • Waves dynamics on the shelf (e.g. tide, internal tides, coastal trapped waves.
  • Wind forced dynamics ( e.g. upwelling, coastal jets)
  • Frontal dynamics and associated (sub-)mesoscales processes or air-sea coupling (e.g. river plumes, thermal fronts)
  • Interactions with the topography (outflows , slope currents, coastal jets …)
  • Interactions of the dynamics with ecosystems at small scales and (or) at climatological scales

These topics are addressed, numerically, by in situ and remote sensing measurements, on coastal or regional areas with contrasting processes such as the extended continental shelves of the Bay of Biscay, the Newfoundland Shelf or the Senegalese Petite Côte, the straits of the Arabian Sea, or the steep bathymetries of the Mediterranean or the western coast of South-Africa.

Recent advances in both coastal ocean observations and numerical modeling have revealed a wide variety of small-scale processes, ranging from a few tens of metres and a few hours to about ten kilometres and a few days and impacting the ecosystems.

The challenge is to develop an understanding these meso- and sub meso-scale processes, to rationalize their study, and to develop the conceptual framework necessary for the interpretation of observational data as results of numerical simulations.

He/she will participate in the scientific activity in the “coastal team” and may be led to exchange and collaborate with researchers from the “ocean-atmosphere-wave interactions and remote sensing” team, “ocean scale interaction” team or “ocean and climate” team.

General areas of responsibility

The applicant will participate in the study of (sub)-mesoscale processes present in the coastal or continental shelf environment (e.g. thermohaline front, river plume, tidal front, upwelling, slope current, instabilities, internal waves, shelf waves, horizontal and vertical turbulences, eddies… ).

He/she will also pay attention to the multidisciplinary valorization of his/her work (e.g. impact on ecosystems or sediment transport)

In case of relevant scientific issues, He/She will focuses in priority on the dynamics of the French coastal marine areas (English Channel, Bay of Biscay, North Western Mediterranean Sea or Overseas Region).

Principal activities

  • initiate and animate research projects on coastal seas
  • propose interpretations of the results from field or numerical experiment.
  • write scientific publications.
  • include his/her work in National, International or European calls and thus participate in the funding of research projects.
  • supervise students (PhD , Post-Doctorate…)

Collaborative work environment

Internal collaborative relationship: 

The applicant will  take advantage of the local research environment collaborating in the multidisciplinary environment of IFREMER  and participating to the scientific discussions in the framework of the LOPS.

External collaborative relationship:

  • An ability to work in national or international network is expected
  • Desired skills and experience
  • Phd, Postdoc (or equivalent) in Physical Oceanography, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics or Meteorology is required.
  • First experiences will be appreciated (At least postdoctoral positions).

Required knowledge, skills, and characteristics

  • Knowledge, skills, and abilities:
  • Skill in coastal physical oceanography
  • Interest for process studies related to in-situ measurements
  • Ability to conduct process studies using numerical and/or analytical tools.
  • Writing and communicating in English (French would be appreciated)

Human qualities:

  • Team working
  • Ability to dialogue with collaborators from other disciplines
  • High autonomy
  • Creativity

All applications are processed exclusively via our website.

At this first stage, the applicant will describe in his or her cover letter (one page maximum) how he or she will fit in his or her future team and what he or she will bring as approaches or innovations.

Selected candidates will be invited to write a scientific project (4 pages).The coherence with the roadmap of the coastal team and of Ifremer will be discussed during an interview.

Direct and early contact with the Coastal Ocean Team trough its manager is also recommended:

About the employer

The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer ), through its research work and expert advice, contributes to the knowledge of the oceans and their resources, to monitoring of marine and coastal environments and to the sustainable development of marine activities. To these ends, Ifremer conceives and operates tools for observation, experimentation and monitoring, and manages oceanographic databases.

Created in 1984, Ifremer is a French public institute of an industrial and commercial nature. It is supervised jointly by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

Ifremer undertakes research missions, offers expert advice and acts as a funding agency.

Ifremer performs targeted applied research to address the questions posed by society (climate change effects, marine biodiversity, pollution prevention, seafood quality etc.). Results include scientific knowledge, technological innovations, and systems for ocean observation and exploration. Partnerships may be public, private or a combination of the two.

Ifremer works in a network with the French scientific community, also collaborating with international partner organizations, in the frame of several national and international projects, including contractual activities.

Learn more and apply

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