Project Scientist or Specialist in Climate and Oceanography – UC Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences

Project Scientist or Specialist in Climate and Oceanography
Data Analysis and Visualization

The Fisheries Collaborative Program (FCP) at the UC Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service, seeks a Project Scientist or Specialist to work on climate and oceanography of the North Pacific.

The candidate will work with global climate and earth system models, regional ocean models, and observational datasets, and should have strong skills in accessing, downloading, analyzing, and visualizing large data sets. The individual will participate in research projects to understand North Pacific dynamics across timescales including historical analyses, short-term forecasts, and long-term projections. Potential research areas include marine ecosystem predictability, ocean extreme events, drivers of long-term change in global climate and regional ocean models, responses of the coastal ocean to climate variability, and climate impacts on the chemistry and biology of the CCS from phytoplankton to top predators. These efforts are part of broader interdisciplinary projects aimed at developing improved fisheries management strategies for the California Current System.

The position will be based at the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Monterey, California. The position will remain open until filled.

Applicants should apply through the links below. Note that these links are for open pools of scientists, so the position descriptions are very broad. People whose interests and expertise match the description above should apply. For questions, please contact Dr. Mike Jacox (

Project scientist (requires Ph.D. in related field, or Master’s degree plus four years research experience):

Specialist (requires bachelor’s degree in related field):

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