Postdoctoral Scholar – Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

A Postdoctoral Scholar award will be offered to a new or recent doctorate in the fields of oceanography and closely related subject. Our ideal candidate will propose to study a multidisciplinary research topic that takes advantage of the research opportunities and facilities offered at BIOS (including frequent access to the deep ocean, repeat measurements and long term monitoring of ocean properties, integration of glider observations with traditional ship-based measurements). We welcome a broad range of potential topics for study, including physical oceanography process studies at all scales, biogeochemical research with practical experimentation, and system modelling with strong integration of data. The award is designed to further the education and training of the applicant with primary emphasis on supporting the individual’s research promise in his/her chosen area of research.

Familiarity with the U.S. research environment would be an asset.

Applicants should have received their doctoral degree within the past 3 years or completed by November 1, 2018, the expected start date for the position. The recipient will receive full salary support for an eighteen-month appointment, with possibility of extension depending on performance success. Limited support is also available for relocation, travel to scientific meetings, equipment and supplies.

Applicants should outline their research objectives, what programs they would like to work with and what oceanographic facilities they would hope to use, and identify suitable mentors amongst resident scientists at BIOS who would act as sponsor and general advisor throughout the award period. Communication with potential BIOS advisors prior to submitting an application is encouraged.

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences is an independent U.S. not-for-profit marine research and education organization with 501(c)(3) status and a Bermuda Registered Charity #116 employing a multi-national staff of approximately eighty people. Scientific activities at BIOS are wide-ranging and include oceanographic and atmospheric time-series studies, coral reef research and ocean and human health interactions. Activities include oceanographic and marine biological research conducted by resident and visiting scientists, and university-level courses on a variety of marine science topics. The Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS;, Hydrostation S program (, the Oceanic Flux Program (, and BIOS-SCOPE ( are major long-term initiatives of BIOS. The institution also supports the operations of the RV Atlantic Explorer, a UNOLS-scheduled research ship, and recently has been investing in new autonomous underwater systems with several electric gliders available for research activities (the Mid-Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration (MAGIC; Additional information on BIOS can be found at

Qualified candidates should submit their application to include: a cover letter, a statement of research and education interests, and a curriculum vitae including names of references to: The HR Manager, BIOS, 17 Biological Station, St. Georges, GE01, Bermuda; Review of applications will begin February 1, 2018. The position will remain open until filled.

Questions about the position and the research opportunities available at BIOS should be directed to William Curry, President and CEO (, and Nicholas Bates, Director of Research (

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