Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nonlinear Waves and Ocean Modelling – University College London and Florida State University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Nonlinear Waves and Ocean Modelling
Applications are invited for a full-time Research Fellow position to work on the project “Stirring at the Walls – A dynamical boundary model for the ocean”. This work forms part of a joint NERC-NSF funded project between Professor Ted Johnson at University College London and Professor William Dewar of Florida State University on boundary models for the ocean. The project will investigate the hypothesis that there is a gap between the very high spatial and temporal resolution required in global ocean models to accurately resolve the flow near ocean boundaries and the lower resolution in both space and time required to resolve the motion of the ocean interior. The aim is to produce a dynamical boundary model that can exploit this gap to allow more accurate simulations at lower computational cost while simultaneously increasing our knowledge of boundary mixing processes.
- Carrying out vigorous, high-level research into coupling nonlinear wave models for ocean boundary dynamics to global circulation models. This should include investigating the extension of the theory in the paper “A coupled model of interior balanced and boundary flow” by Deremble, Dewar and Johnson [Ocean Modelling, vol 119, pp 1-12 (2017)] into more general scenarios.
- Interacting with Dr Deremble and Professor Dewar (including a willingness to visit their institutions in Paris and Florida), Project Partners in industry, and at the UK National Oceanography Centre.
- Submitting publications regularly in refereed journals and participating in national and international conferences.
- A PhD in a demonstrably relevant field. Candidates should either have a PhD or equivalent qualification, should be finalising their PhD or waiting for their viva date.
- Research experience in geophysical fluid dynamics. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in research and publishing in a field relevant to the project.
- Excellent interpersonal skills to facilitate participation in an international research group. A strong desire to work at the heart of, and fully participate in, an active international research group in the field.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral.
- Interest and research experience in at least some of the following areas: the theory of nonlinear wave dynamics, the numerical treatment of hyperbolic equations, asymptotic analysis of geophysical equations, global ocean circulation models.
This post is based at UCL and available from 1 July 2019. Salary will be UCL Grade 7, point 29 – 32, which is £35,328 – £38,303 per annum inclusive of London Allowance. This post is funded for 3 years in the first instance. Further information at
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