Postdoctoral Fellow in Ocean Modelling, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
Assistant Professor Eric Oliver ( is looking to fill a postdoctoral position on downscaling future oceanography projections in the Canadian arctic and subarctic, as part of a project funded by ArcticNet. The postdoc position is expected to start as soon as possible.
The Arctic and Subarctic regions of Canada are experiencing rapid climate change. In particular, temperatures are rising and sea ice cover is declining at unprecedented rates. These changes are having impacts on the ocean environment with changes in marine ecosystems as well as human interactions with the environment. This project will perform simulations of the future ocean using a large-scale numerical ocean model covering the Arctic Ocean and the north Atlantic Ocean. This model has been developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Environment and Climate Change Canada and has been used previously to simulate historical conditions and will be used in this project, along with climate model future projections, to simulate the ocean to the mid-21st century. This model includes physical ocean and sea-ice components, and may also include marine biogeochemistry.
The postdoc will be based in the Department of Oceanography at Dalhousie University under Dr. Oliver’s supervision, and will also be expected to work closely with Dr. Youyu Lu (DFO, Bedford Institute of Oceanography).
If interested please send a statement of interest and CV to
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