Postdoc position – LOCEAN Laboratory, Sorbonne University

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to investigate the ventilation of the abyssal ocean using a realistic global ocean model. The position is 24-months long and located in central Paris. It is part of the large-scale H2020 SO-CHIC project regrouping 15 institutions across Europe ( The overall objective of SO-CHIC is to understand and quantify variability of heat and carbon budgets in the Southern Ocean. Within work package 3, SO-CHIC aims to improve understanding of the formation and circulation of bottom waters, which ventilate the world’s abyssal oceans.

The successful applicant will perform and analyse simulations using the NEMO general circulation model at one-degree resolution, with the objective of mapping the pathways and timescales of ventilation from Antarctica to the global deep ocean. The return of deep and mid-depth waters to the Southern Ocean surface will also be investigated. The simulations will include a newly implemented parameterization of local and remote tidal mixing, high vertical resolution and restoring to observations at dense water formation sites. The mapping will be performed using numerical tracer release experiments at select locations. Improved quantitative characterization of the communication between the surface and deep ocean reservoirs of heat, carbon and nutrients is the foremost expected achievement.

The researcher will join a team of scientists (Gurvan Madec, Casimir de Lavergne, Jean-Baptiste Sallée) at the LOCEAN laboratory of Sorbonne Université and will collaborate with international SO-CHIC partners (including British Antarctic Survey and University of Bergen).

Applications should be sent before 30 September 2020 to and include a CV and a cover letter.

The starting date should be no later than January 4, 2021. The salary will match the postdoctoral salary set by Sorbonne University which is 2500 euros per month (before tax). Informal requests for further information may be addressed to

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