Post Doctoral Fellowships – University of Toronto

Post Doctoral Fellowships in High Resolution Climate Simulation

As many as two postdoctoral fellowships are available to work on a new five year project involving high resolution climate simulation of the Holocene epoch for the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Levant. The work is to involve the dynamical downscaling of global model-derived climate reconstructions based upon CESM in which WRF is employed as the regional climate model. The existing Toronto pipeline requires augmentation to incorporate both a regional ocean model such as ROMS and a state of the art model of climate-vegetation interactions. This effort  will be tightly coupled to and constitute a critical component of the international archeological project CRANE, the goal of which is to understand the evolution of human societies  in a period in which significant climate change was occurring. The successful candidates for these positions will have significant established technical ability in high performance computation and expertise in either regional ocean modeling or coupled climate-vegetation modeling and analysis. These positions are guaranteed for a period of two years with an extension being possible depending upon performance. The salaries for these positions are competitive and the search will continue until they are filled. Interested person should provide a curriculum vitae and the names and contact information of two references to the following address:

Mrs Ana Sousa
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1A7

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