Outstanding Student Paper Award coordinators

AGU American Geophysical Union
AGU is looking for two coordinators for the Outstanding Student Paper Award program at Fall Meeting. This is an important task for the recognition of our early-career scientists that can be shared between two coordinators.
OSPA Coordinator
The Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) program helps students gain valuable feedback about their presentation skills and scientific research. The Ocean Sciences section needs at least two coordinators to help encourage volunteers to participate as judges. The time commitment is minimal (about 1 hour per week until Fall Meeting).OSPA coordinator duties include the following:
    • Manage the effort to secure judges for students in our section or focus group.
    • Encourage judges to sign up via email or section or focus group newsletters, websites, or other communications.
    • Assist liaisons in recruiting judges.
    • Encourage judges to enter their scores by the deadline.
    • Participate in the selection of OSPA winners for our section.
    • Commit about 1 hour per week, from mid-October through 5 January.

Volunteers must be AGU members but do not have to attend Fall Meeting. Student members cannot be OSPA coordinators. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us by sending an email to ospa@agu.org.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Lynne Talley,
AGU Section President, Ocean Sciences

Eileen Hofmann,
AGU Section President-Elect, Ocean Sciences

Victoria Coles,
AGU Fall Meeting program committee, Ocean Sciences representative

Heidi Sosik,
AGU Fall Meeting program committee, Ocean Sciences representative

Debbie Hutchinson,
AGU Fall Meeting program committee, Ocean Sciences representative

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