NASA MPOWIR Speaker Series

With generous support from NASA, MPOWIR is soliciting applications for the NASA MPOWIR Speaker Series.  The goal of NASA’s MPOWIR speaker series is to familiarize junior women in the field of physical oceanography with the research conducted at the NASA labs and to inform NASA scientists of the research conducted by junior scientists in the community.  Each year, two scientists are chosen to give a seminar at either JPL or Goddard.

To be considered for this opportunity, applicants must be female junior scientists who self-identify as physical oceanographers. Additionally, applicants must be within a 1 year of completing their dissertation and up to two years after obtaining their first P.I. position (this career window includes postdoctoral researchers).  NASA funds can be used to support anyone at a US Institution (US or non-US citizen). This opportunity is not open to those at foreign institutions.

To apply, please click the link below.  The deadline for applications is June 1, 2009.


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