Job Opportunity with ACE CRC
The ACE CRC is a unique collaboration between key partners: the Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, the University of Tasmania, the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and a consortium of other supporting partners. It is funded by the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centre Program. The ACE CRC’s mission is to understand the crucial role played by Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in global climate and the impacts of climate change on Australia and the world, and to inform governments, industry, the community, and scientists about climate change to guide our future.
The ACE CRC is seeking to fill the following positions:
• Sea ice/AUV Specialist
• Ice Shelf – Ocean modeller
• Ice Shelf Oceanographer
• Postdoctoral Researcher in Carbon Cycling
• Ecosystem Modeller
• Ecological Statistician
• Ice Sheet Modelling Scientist
• Physical Oceanographer (Modeller)
• Physical Oceanographer (Observer)
• Remote Sensing Specialist
• Sea-Level Rise Specialist
The above positions will be filled at Academic Level A or B with the possibility of Level C for exceptional candidates.
For further information on these positions and their job packages please visit our website:
Both Australian and non-Australian applicants are encouraged to apply.
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