Fellowships in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Fellowships in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
June 17 to August 22, 2019
Since 1959 the GFD program has promoted an exchange of ideas among researchers in the many distinct fields that share a common interest in the nonlinear dynamics of fluid flows in oceanography, meteorology, geophysics, astrophysics, applied mathematics, engineering and physics. Each year, the program is organized around a ten-week course of study and research for a small group of competitively selected graduate-student fellows. The overall philosophy is to bring together researchers from a variety of backgrounds to provide a vigorous discussion of concepts that span different disciplines, and thereby to create an intense research experience. For the student fellows, the centerpiece of the program is a research project, pursued under the supervision of the staff. At the end of the program, each fellow presents a lecture and a written report for the GFD proceedings volume. Over its history, the GFD Program has produced numerous alumni, many of whom are prominent scientists at universities throughout the world. The interdisciplinary atmosphere of the Program is the ideal place for young scientists to learn the habits of broad inquiry, of speaking to others with very different backgrounds and viewpoints, and of seeking answers in unfamiliar places.
The Program commences with two weeks of Principal Lectures focusing on a particular theme in GFD. For 2019, the theme is “Stratified Turbulence and Oceanic Mixing Processes” and the lecturers will be Colm-cille Caulfield (University of Cambridge), who will concentrate on recent theoretical developments in the fluid dynamical description of turbulent stratified mixing, andStephanie Waterman (University of British Columbia), who will concentrate on the observational evidence of such mixing in the world’s oceans.
Up to ten competitive fellowships are available for graduate students. Successful applicants will receive stipends of $7,205 and an allowance for travel expenses within the United States. A small number of unpaid fellowships may also be available for strongly qualified students who can support themselves financially. Fellows are expected to be in residence for the full ten weeks of the program. The application deadline is February 15, 2019. Awards will be announced by April 1, 2019. We seek applicants from all areas of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, and particularly encourage applications from women and members of underrepresented groups. Further information and application forms may be obtained at http://gfd.whoi.edu, or by writing to: gfd@whoi.edu
Prospective visitors should contact Claudia Cenedese at ccenedese@whoi.edu, Karl Helfrich at khelfrich@whoi.edu or Bruce Sutherland at bsuther@ualberta.ca
WHOI is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Organization
The GFD Program is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research
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