Fellowship for the Future – 500 Women Scientists
For our two year fellowship program, we are looking for women of color in STEM who also have a strong background and commitment to equity, social justice, and public engagement. For more details on the program, including honoraria and project fund information, please see our Program Details page. Applicants should propose research or outreach projects that align with the mission of 500 Women Scientists and are focused on increasing equity, inclusion, and social justice in STEM. Proposed projects can be: a) an expansion of an applicant’s ongoing/existing work, b) an expansion of existing 500 Women Scientists programs, or c) a creation of a new project/program.
Your application must be submitted in full at one time—and we recommend having all required materials ready before proceeding to the application system. The deadline for receipt of an application, including receipt of letters of support, is October 1, 2019 at 11:59 PM PDT.
Resume (2 page maximum, uploaded as a PDF) highlighting your commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
Video Summary (3 minutes maximum, uploaded as a .mp4 < 400 MB and can be in lower resolution if needed) that describes your proposed project and its potential impact to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice in STEM.
Note: The video should be less than 3 minutes, clearly audible, and you should be visible. Videos should be spoken in English or have English subtitles if in another language. Submissions will be evaluated on the quality of the content and ability for you to orally discuss your project, and not on the quality of videography (lights, audio, fancy cameras, or any special editing).
Project Proposal (1 page maximum, 12 point font, single spaced, 1 inch margins, uploaded as a PDF) that describes:
the problem the project addresses, project goals, and the community/communities who will benefit from the project;
project implementation strategy and methods, including a timeline of how the project will be implemented in 2 years;
expected outcomes and measures of success;
how the project advances the mission of 500 Women Scientists
Project Budget Narrative (1 page maximum, 12 point font, single spaced, 1 inch margins, uploaded as a PDF) explaining and justifying how the available project funds ($1,000 per year) will be used, including having a table with line item breakdowns.
Two Letters of Support (each uploaded as a PDF) endorsing the suitability of the applicant for the Fellowship for the Future.
Ideal letters will highlight the attributes of the applicant in the context of what they have already accomplished in STEM and public outreach, as well as the applicant’s ability to inspire change towards diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. Letters of support can come from, but are not limited to, current/previous employers; mentors; mentees; community members who have been impacted by the applicant’s work; collaborators on the proposed or previous projects.
Please note that the deadline for receipt of your letters of support is October 1, 2019 at 11:59 PM PDT. You should let your letter writers know that they should submit their letter as a PDF to fellowship@500womenscientists.org using the following naming convention for their file: Applicant’sLastName.Applicant’sFirstName_LOR.Recommender’sLastName.pdf. We encourage applicants to send your letter writers specific information about how to summit their letters.
Responses to the following short-answer questions (to be typed into the application form, each being < 250 words)
How have your experiences as a woman of color influenced the creation of your project?
What leadership and professional training from the Fellowship for the Future would help you as a woman of color in STEM and/or to execute your project?
How will your participation in this fellowship help STEM become more accessible, diverse, inclusive and socially just in the future?
Note that program details are subject to change depending on available resources.
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