Earth system modelling – Summer School
ESM Summer School 2019
A summer school for early-career scientists on Earth system modelling will be held on the 9-19 September 2019 in Bad Aibling (Germany). The school will be organised in the frame of the ESM project.
The school is directed towards early career scientists and will include a combination of lectures on Earth system components, theoretical aspects, numerical modelling, data assimilation and coupling of numerical models for the Earth system. The school will also comprise exercises and hands-on sessions in an inspiring environment. An international set of instructors will be teaching the sessions in English. The school will also include social and networking activities including an excursion to discover the beautiful surroundings of Bad Aibling.
The school is funded by the Helmholtz Association through the Advanced Earth System Modelling Capacity (ESM) project so there is only a small registration fee of 150 Euro (to be paid upon selection of the candidates). The school will be open to 50 early career researchers (PhD students and early career postdoctoral researchers) from ESM project partner centres and the national and international community.
To apply please use the link below and provide (i) a short motivation letter (max. 1000 carachters) stating your research focus and how the school will be beneficial for your research, (ii) your CV including a list of publications, and (iii) a support letter from a senior scientist that supervises/advises you. Application deadline is 1 March 2019.
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