Still Earning Less
Consider a few facts: Women are now half of all workers on U.S. payrolls; there is no longer a clear timeline for marriage and childbirth; and a record 40 percent of children born in 2007 had unmarried mothers. Those figures …
Consider a few facts: Women are now half of all workers on U.S. payrolls; there is no longer a clear timeline for marriage and childbirth; and a record 40 percent of children born in 2007 had unmarried mothers. Those figures …
Impostor syndrome is the name given to the feelings that many young scientists describe: Their accomplishments are just luck or deceit, and they’re in over their heads. The key to getting past it, experts say, is making accurate, realistic assessments …
Robert J. Feller and Christine R. Lotter discuss several “tried and true” classroom and laboratory teaching strategies that promote better learning, attention, engagement, and curiosity in students. The strategies are designed to promote the use of student-centered learning rather than …
Women are 37 percent less likely than men to earn science-related bachelor’s degrees, and they hold only a quarter of the jobs in the field. In a new paper titled “Sex and Science,” economists Scott Carrell, Marianne Page and James …
Mentor Group 3 recently discussed an article from the Journal of Engineering Education by Joanna Wolfe and Elizabeth Powell. The article focuses on how gender-typical speech can sour teamwork. Click here for the full article: Download He said she said article …
“When you meet someone new in a professional context, your goal should be to communicate four things: who you are, what you do, why you’re meeting them, and most of all, why they should care that they are meeting you.” …
This paper was published in the french journal Le Monde last October about women in science. Each article is translated to English. Download the Article
The Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN) sent a link to a new publication of AAAS/Science. Career Basics, the 2009 Edition is a collection of the best advice and resources from Science Careers. You can get the whole publication or specific …
Stop trying to get tenure and start trying to enjoy yourself, an article by Gary Lewandowski, was sent to the ESWN list and provides advices to early career scientists concerned about tenure. The article is available at Another recommended …
A survey of more than eight thousand doctoral student respondents was recently completed across the University of California system to better understand the attitudes of the current generation of students. The survey found that 84 percent of women and 74 …