Assistant Professor in Arctic Ice and Marine System Science, University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba invites applications for a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 2, a tenure track position at the rank of assistant professor in the broad natural science fields of Arctic marine system science.
The Government of Canada has established the CRC program to enable Canadian universities to foster world class research excellence. The proposed CRC aligns with the University’s strategic research plan that identifies Arctic System Science and Climate Change as a targeted area.
The successful candidates will become a member of the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS; in the Department of Environment and Geography, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources. CEOS is a focal point of Arctic System Science and Climate Change, an established ‘Signature Area’ of research excellence at the University of Manitoba ( With more than 150 researchers, students and staff, including a Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) Laureate, a new Canada Excellence Research Chair, a Senior Canada-150 Chair and two existing Canada Research Chairs (CRC) both Tier 1, CEOS is one of the largest and most influential Arctic marine research groups in the world. CEOS’ research is supported by the purpose-built Nellie Cournoyea Arctic Research Facility; laboratories for Earth, environmental and material sciences, and applied electromagnetics; the Sea-ice Environmental Research Facility; the Churchill Marine Observatory (CMO); CCGS Amundsen icebreaker; a new coastal research vessel the MV William Kennedy; and numerous field stations across the Arctic. The Arctic Science Partnership ( provides added opportunity for international networking.
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