AGU Vice Chair, 2018 Ocean Sciences Program Committee

Harness the power of the ocean. Be a part of planning the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting!

The Ocean Sciences Meeting is the premier worldwide meeting of oceanographers and oceans related sciences. The Ocean Sciences Meeting is a result of the collaborative efforts between the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Association for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and The Oceanographic Society (TOS). The 2018 Ocean Sciences Program Committee seeks an individual to fill the position of the AGU Vice Chair, 2018 Ocean Sciences Program Committee.

Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your leadership skills and to participate in the organization and development of the scientific program for this thriving meeting. Candidates must be an AGU member, have expertise in ocean sciences, be highly organized and dynamic, and have strong leadership abilities. The time commitment as AGU Vice Chair is approximately 18 months after which the role will transition to the Co-Chair position for the next Ocean Sciences planning cycle. The time commitment for the AGU Co-Chair position is approximately 2 years.

For additional information or to be considered for this position, send a curriculum vitae with a letter of interest outlining how your skill set, knowledge, and abilities can support the position qualifications to Selected candidates will be interviewed by members of the Search Committee. If you are selected for a phone interview, you will be contacted by AGU staff who will assist in setting up a time for the phone interview to be conducted.

Deadline for receipt of applications: 20 September 2016
Notification of selection: November 2016

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