Tenure-track faculty positions – Peking University

The Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences of Peking University invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions in atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Two positions are available in physical oceanography, particularly in the areas of ocean general circulation and dynamics, air-sea interaction and climate, ocean biogeochemical cycle, ocean model development, and satellite oceanography. Four positions are available in atmospheric sciences, particularly in the areas of climate dynamics and modeling, synoptic and meso-scale meteorology, radiation and remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, cloud physics, atmospheric boundary layer, land-air interaction, and planetary atmospheres. All positions are at the tenure-track assistant professor level under the “Young Qianren” or “Bairen” programs. For exceptional cases, a more senior starting position may be considered. Recruiting is conducted semi-annually (in spring and fall), until all positions are filled. The deadline for this round of recruiting is February 28, 2018. For application qualifications, benefits, required materials, and contact information, visit http://www.atmos.pku.edu.cn/rczp/50392.htm.

Meanwhile, all disciplines of our department are hiring postdocs with different application deadlines and compensation packages; see http://www.atmos.pku.edu.cn/rczp/395.htm.


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