Summer School opportunity – Waves, Instabilities and Turbulence in Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows
Understanding the dynamics of geophysical and astrophysical systems, such as oceans, atmospheres, planetary cores, stellar interiors, accretion disks, remains a tremendous interdisciplinary task. Beyond the challenge in fundamental fluid mechanics to understand these extraordinary flows involving rotation, buoyancy, magnetic fields, at typical scales well beyond our day-to-day experience, a global knowledge of the involved processes is fundamental to a better understanding of the dynamics of these systems.
Much research efforts have been devoted to understanding geophysical and astrophysical flows, within and between the various communities of Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Planetary and Earth Sciences, Astrophysics… While open questions from the various application domains actually rely on the same fundamental concepts and phenomena, lots of progresses have been made within each enclosed domain, with only marginal cross-fertilisations. The objective of the workshop is to go beyond this state. Our goal is to bring together researchers interested in geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics, and to provide for students and confirmed researchers, the fundamental fluid mechanics background as well as the last research developments on waves, instabilities and turbulences in the contexts of oceans, atmospheres, planetary cores, stellar interiors and accretion disks.
- One week of school with five 4h courses, five 1h invited lectures and poster session (8-13 july).
- One week of workshop with six 1h invited lectures and 60 contributed talks (14-19 july).
Fluid mechanics topics such as
– Inertial waves and internal waves (attractors, internal shear layers, nonlinear interactions)
– Instabilities (MRI, SRI, ZVI, …)
– MHD waves and Dynamo (Geodynamos, Experiments)
– Turbulences (wave turbulence, rotating/stratified/MHD turbulence)
applied to
– Oceans
– Atmospheres
– Planetary cores
– Stellar interiors
– Accretion disks.
For the courses (4h)
- C. Staquet (Grenoble, France). Waves, instabilities. Oceans and atmospheres.
- J. Noir (Zurich, Switzerland). Inertial waves. Planets.
- T. Rogers (Newcastle, UK). Waves. Instabilities. Stars.
- S. Fauve (Paris, France). Dynamo. Turbulence. General.
- H. Latter (Cambridge, UK). Instabilities. Accretion Disks.
For the lectures (1h)
- T. Akylas (Boston, USA). Waves, instabilities. Oceans
- S. Legg (Princeton, USA). Waves. Mixing. Oceans
- J. Alexander (Boulder, USA). Atmospheres.
- P. Read (Oxford, UK). Instabilities. Atmospheres.
- K. Zhang (Exeter, UK). Waves, instabilities. Planets.
- K. Julien (Boulder, USA). Waves, instabilities. Planets.
- D. Lecoanet (Princeton, USA). Waves, instabilities. Stars.
- S. Tobias (Leeds, UK). Turbulence. MHD. Planets and Stars.
- S. Galtier (Palaiseau, France). Wave turbulence. Cosmology.
- R. Kerswell (Cambridge, UK). Instabilities, Turbulence. Oceans and Accretion disks.
- P. Armitage (Boulder, USA). Accretion disks.
February 1, 2019: deadline for the pre-registration and abstract submission
Jon Aurnou (Los Angeles, USA), Phil Marcus (Berkeley, USA), Gordon Ogilvie (Cambridge, UK), Andrew Soward (Newcastle, UK), Chantal Staquet (Grenoble, France), Bruce Sutherland (Edmonton, Canada)
Benjamin Favier, Michael Le Bars, Stéphane Le Dizès, Patrice Le Gal, Patrice Meunier (IRPHE, Marseille, France)
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