Summer school – Institute of Cargèse

This summer school will be organized at the Institute of Cargèse from Tuesday, July 26, 2016 until Friday, August 5, 2016. (Arrival Monday 25th, possibility to leave Saturday 6th August) 12-day school program will include fifteen interventions of key speakers. In addition, some participants may present their latest work on scientific themes of the school (Oral or Poster presentation).

The school’s program will focus on the different tools (theoretical, numerical, experimental and observational) used in the study of turbulent environments in geophysical and astrophysical flows.

Below is a partial list of the major topics to be discussed:
MHD Turbulence, helicity and Topology, High-Performance Computing (HPC), Stratified turbulence Solar Wind, Waves and intermittency, Magnetic Reconnection, Fluid plasmas: Landau Fluids, Electron MHD, Lagrangian Tracers, Magnetic Field Generation,Turbulent Dynamo, Modeling Turbulent Flows, Multi-scale Interactions, Shear and Large-scale, Rotating turbulence, Generation Waves and Eddies, Vertical Transport and Mixing and Zonal Flows.

This school is also an opportunity to pay tribute to the work and career of Annick Pouquet , who has greatly contributed on the different topics and who will attend this school.

The registration is now open: There is a fee for the two weeks of the school. Academic scientist 850€ (permanent position) and Master/PHD/PostDoc 650€. The fee is fix, what ever the staying time of the participant. (Only CNRS permanent people or CNRS contract people have no fee, in this case please choose the case “CNRS AGENT” in step 2 and contact us)

The fee covers the lectures, accommodation (share room (2 person by room) from Monday 25th July until Saturday 6th August, breakfast, lunch, social events (1 Welcome party, 1 Barbecue dinner, 2 Aperitif-Poster sessions) and transport by bus from Ajaccio to the institute of Cargèse (both way). Only dinner (in the Cargèse village) are not included.

It is possible to ask for a single room (Step 3) (Extra payment +10€/night). It is possible also to ask for accompanying person (Extra payment : + 31.65€/night adult +24.5€/night child 4-10 yrs). Those extra are possible only if there will be enough room, it could be not available. All the extra payment will be payed at the Cargèse institut during the stay (Cash,Card or French Cheque).

Registration deadline 31th May.
Accommodation: From Monday 25th July until Saturday 6th August

To learn more and register visit:


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