Researcher position – CICESE

CICESE is seeking to fill a RESEARCHER position for the Physical Oceanography Department of the Oceanology Division.


a) Academic Training:

  • Candidates must have a PhD degree in sciences or engineering, and proven ability to carry out original and independent research in the areas of Physical Oceanography, Atmospheric Physics or Oceanic Engineering.
  •  Postdoctoral or equivalent experience.

b) Profile:

  • Candidates must have experience and abilities in the study of ocean or atmospheric physics with emphasis, but not limited to, the following areas of research:
    1. Theoretical aspects of geophysical fluid dynamics and turbulent processes.
    2. Dynamics and circulation of coastal zones, inland seas and oceans.
    3. Atmospheric dynamics, climate variability, and climate change.
    4. Marine and atmospheric renewable energies.More information about these lines of research (in Spanish) in
  • Candidates must have ability and willingness to advise students at the master’s and doctoral levels and teach graduate courses in the areas mentioned above.

c) Skills:

  • Ability to successfully submit projects to national and international financing agenciesto obtain the economic resources needed to carry out scientific research.
    • Write scientific and science communication articles, and have verbal communicationskills to present academic and general interest seminars.
    • Involvement in outreach projects with social, governmental, and productive sectors
    • Ability to work with interdisciplinary research groups
    • EVALUATION PROCEDURECarretera Tijuana-Ensenada No. 3918, Zona Playitas, C.P. 22860, Apdo. Postal 360, Ensenada B.C., México Teléfono: +52 6461750500,

The revision, analysis, and evaluation of the candidate’s applications will be performed by a Selection Committee which will also consider

  • Presentation of an academic seminar at the Physical Oceanography Department (POD).
  •  One or more interviews with the POD faculty

Seminar and interviews by videoconference will be considered.

Learn more and apply:

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