Research Scientist – Gulf of Maine Research Institute 

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is seeking qualified candidates to establish a new research group that investigates the physical oceanography of the Gulf of Maine and adjacent bodies of water, specifically to address questions such as, but not limited to:

  • What is causing the Gulf of Maine to warm at a rate that is 3-4x faster than the global ocean? What are the main drivers of interannual variability in ocean temperature in the Gulf of Maine and the broader Northwest Atlantic? And what sort of predictive skill is there in understanding those drivers on seasonal to multi-decadal timescales? 
  • How are changes in global / regional ocean circulation (e.g., Gulf Stream & Labrador Current) impacting Gulf of Maine-region circulation and coastal sea level?
  • What are the drivers of interannual to decadal variability in observed mean sea level along the Gulf of Maine coast—and can near-term (i.e., seasonal to decadal) sea level anomalies be forecasted?
  • In what ways would offshore wind energy development in the Gulf of Maine alter near-surface ocean circulation (and, by extension, have impacts on the marine food web)?

The successful candidate will have experience and interest in building a research group using multiple investigatory techniques and datasets including remote sensing observations. A strong quantitative background in, and technical knowledge of, atmosphere-ocean interactions, teleconnections, and/or climate modes (and their manifestations in the marine domain) as applied to questions akin to those above is preferred.

The incumbent will join a team of world-class scientists and will serve as a Principal Investigator responsible for developing and funding a comprehensive physical oceanography research laboratory. This person would also provide guidance, training, and mentoring to 3-4 team members (as well as undergraduate interns) whose work emphasizes physical oceanography, ocean / coastal circulation, storm climatology, atmospheric science, and/or related fields focused in the Gulf of Maine / North Atlantic region. The incumbent should be an effective communicator of research results to federal program managers, the scientific community, blue economy stakeholders, and the public via oral presentations, written reports, and peer-reviewed publications. The incumbent will work collaboratively with biological oceanographers, coastal dynamics scientists, fisheries ecologists, climate-ecosystem researchers, and socio-economic scientists to apply results to local, regional, state, federal and international scientific assessments, ocean resource management discussions, and policy deliberations.

More details are available here:

Interested candidates can reach out to Dr. Dave Reidmiller with questions:

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