Requesting Student and Early Career Nominations for 2025-2026 OS Executive Committee
The AGU Ocean Sciences Executive Committee includes elected officers and members-at-large. The Ocean Sciences section is soliciting nominations for a member-at-large graduate student and early-career scientist member-at-large for a 2-year term on the OS Executive Committee for 2025–2026. Please encourage your students and colleagues to apply. This is an excellent opportunity to make contacts in Ocean Sciences, work with a scientific society, and learn how national meetings are organized. See below for additional information about these positions and the self-nomination process. Selections will be made by the current OS Executive Committee based on the strength of the applicant’s interest and qualifications including past experience with similar committees..
Graduate Student member-at-large for 2025–2026
This individual is a member of the Ocean Sciences section executive committee and the 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) program committee. The graduate student member-at-large will participate in organization of student and early-career activities for OSM 2026 and in the organization of student and early-career activities at the AGU Fall Meeting. Self-nominations are requested. Interested individuals should submit (1) a curriculum vita and (2) a one-page description of qualifications and interest in serving as the graduate student member-at-large to Clare Reimers by 15 May 2024. Please indicate in your email subject line “AGU Ocean Sciences self-nomination_LastName”. Nominees should be a student for the time covered by the term. The Ocean Sciences section will provide up to $1,000 toward travel, registration, and per diem for participation in each of the 2025 and 2026 Fall Meetings and 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Early-Career Scientist member-at-large for 2025–2026
This individual is a member of the Ocean Sciences section executive committee and the 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) program committee. The early-career member-at-large will participate in organization of student and early-career activities for OSM 2026 and in the organization of student and early-career activities at the AGU Fall Meeting. Self-nominations are requested. Interested individuals should submit (1) a curriculum vita and (2) a one-page description of their qualifications and interest in serving as the early-career member-at-large to Clare Reimers by 15 May 2024. Please indicate in your email subject line “AGU Ocean Sciences self-nomination_LastName”. Early-career nominees should be within 10 years of receiving a Ph.D. degree. The Ocean Sciences section will provide registration costs for the 2025 and 2026 Fall Meetings and 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Travel assistance may also be provided upon request and the availability of funds.
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