Powerful Presentations – COACh Workshop
Powerful Presentations – COACh
Workshop Description: This workshop is designed to complement COAChing Women in the Art of Strategic Performance and Strategies for Leading Change, will give women the opportunity to hone their speaking skills. In an interactive format, participants will learn techniques from the theater for increasing confidence and charisma, expanding vocal power, using effective body language, and dramatic strategies. They will learn how to bring structural clarity to the content of their speech, whether speaking spontaneously or with prepared remarks. They will discover how power point can become a tool rather than a distraction. They will explore the relationship between time, structure, and silence, in order to most effectively land their points. Facilitators Lee Warren (http://www.anitaborg.org/about/who-we-are/lee-warren) and Nancy Houfek (http://anitaborg.org/about/who-we-are/nancy-houfek).
Friday, November 6, Clarion Hotel, Northampton, MA Cost: employed $40; student or unemployed $20.
Optional and no charge – Lunch 12-1 Reception 4:30-5:30
To register for the workshop and/or lunch, send an email to Suzanne OConnell (soconnell@wesleyan.edu). Space is limited.
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