Postdoctoral scholar position – UCSD

A postdoctoral scholar position is available to work on the global oceanic circulation, with special emphasis on the abyssal component. The approach is to use a range of models and data sets (conceptual models, primitive-equations computations, state estimates) and diagnostics (Eulerian and Lagrangian), to understand the mass, buoyancy, temperature and salinity three-dimensional exchanges in the abyssal overturning circulation.

Required qualifications:

  • A doctoral degree in physical oceanography, atmospheric sciences or related fields;
  • Programming experience in at least one general purpose language.

Preferred qualifications:

  • A strong understanding of oceanography, climate dynamics, or a relevant physical science;
  • Previous experience with ocean GCMs;
  • Previous experience with high-performance computing.
  • Appointment: initially for two years, renewable to a third year.

Salary depends on qualifications: The minimum annual salary is $66,737 for the first year, with minimum 3.7% yearly increases. Health/vision/dental benefits are included. There is also support for attendance to conferences and publication charges. 

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a one-page statement of research interests, a summary of doctoral dissertation and at least two references.  Deadline for applications is February 28, 2025. Please send applications to Paola Cessi at

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