Postdoctoral researcher – University of Delaware

A postdoctoral researcher position is available at the School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware. The postdoctoral researcher will undertake an investigation of the role that the ocean plays in glacier retreat along the west Antarctic Peninsula shelf. The focus is on understanding heat transport processes across the shelf and their impact on ice melt, using a combination of historical data and the output of newly-developed high-resolution models of the shelf and adjacent glacier fjords. The project is part of a collaborative effort with scientists at University of Oregon, Old Dominion University, and University of South Florida. Applicants must have a PhD in physical oceanography, glaciology, or a closely related discipline, as well as experience in observations and/or model output analysis, and strong quantitative and writing skills. Expertise in polar systems is preferred.

The position is available for a year, with renewal for one year contingent upon performance and funding. The School of Marine Science and Policy at UD hosts a lively community of ocean science researchers at both the Newark and Lewes campuses. The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to interact with scientists in both places, with the position based at the Newark campus.

Candidates should submit a cover letter, statement of research, CV, and graduate transcript (unofficial transcripts accepted) through the University of Delaware Jobs website (ID# 103796). In addition, applicants must request that three confidential letters of recommendation be sent electronically to Dr. Carlos Moffat at Applicants should indicate in their cover letter the date by which they anticipate having their doctoral degree conferred. Additional information is available at or by contacting Prof. Carlos Moffat. Priority will be given to applications received by September 15, 2016. The position is available starting as soon as Winter 2017.

The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer which encourages applications from Minority Group Members, Women, Individuals with Disabilities and Veterans. The University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found at:

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