Postdoctoral position – RSMAS
POSTDOCTORAL position in Physical Oceanography / Ocean Observing, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami.
Applications are invited from candidates with a recent PhD in physical oceanography or similar. Experience in collection and analysis of observed datasets is desirable. The successful candidate will study in situ data sets of the Agulhas Current and Indian Ocean in the context of other measurements and models to assess how the freshwater budget is changing. This project is part of a US-South African collaboration called the Agulhas System Climate Array. This position is available for two years beginning in October 2018, the second year subject to renewal upon performance. Starting salary is $54,000.
Applicants should submit a brief research statement, a CV, and the contact information for two referees to Prof. Lisa Beal ( and apply online at Applications will be considered immediately and the position will remain open until filled.
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