Postdoctoral position in Topological Waves in Geophysical Flows, ENS de Lyon
Context. Over the last decades, topology has brought new light to linear dynamics, with the discovery of new classes of waves, and an explanation for peculiar propagating modes whose emergence were up to now mysterious. These ideas have just begun to impact geophysical fluid dynamics, with application to equatorial phenomena (see figure). A variety of potential manifestations of topology in fluid waves remain now to be found. This is the purpose of this post-doctoral proposal.
Objectives. The post-doctoral fellow will address the role of topology in the nonlinear dynamics of equatorial flows, with applications to El Nino, among other possibilities. The project will involve numerical simulations in idealized settings for theses problems, and could also lead to idealized laboratory experiment on a rotating tank. The fellow will benefit in Lyon from a stimulating environment involving specialists on topological waves, on rotating/stratified flows, and on geophysical fluid dynamics.
Skills. Candidates with a solid background in theoretical aspects of astrophysical/geophysical fluid dynamics and a taste for idealized numerical simulations will be preferred. Prior knowledge of topological waves is not mandatory. We will also consider seriously any outstanding candidate from other fields of physics involving topology, nonlinear physics, if strongly motivated to work on geophysical flows and familiar with numerical modeling.
Contacts. and
Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, post-doc funded by ANR project WTF
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