Postdoc Position, Ocean Stochastic Parameterization & S2S Forecasting – CU-Boulder/NOAA.
The University of Colorado’s Department of Applied Mathematics (APPM) and NOAA’s Earth System Research Lab, Physical Sciences Division are seeking to fill a postdoctoral research associate position to develop novel stochastic parameterizations for an ocean model (MOM6) and for ocean-atmosphere interactions in NOAA’s Unified Forecast System. The target application is to improve the performance of coupled data assimilation and forecasting for predictions on sub-seasonal-to-seasonal time scales. This position is for at least 2 and possibly 3 years. Your key responsibilities will be
- Collaborate in the development and testing of new ocean stochastic parameterizations and the ocean-atmospheric coupler.
- Perform software development for exploratory investigation.
- Conduct and analyze experiments using high-performance computing.
- Perform pre- and post-processing of data as needed for analysis and visualization.
- Describe your results in the form of peer-reviewed articles and in oral presentations.
Further information and the job application link can be found here.
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