Postdoc in tropical Pacific coupled modeling – WHOI
WHOI Physical Oceanography Department is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Investigator in coupled air-sea-wave modeling and observation analysis, with a focus on the tropical Pacific Ocean. The successful candidate will be supervised by Hyodae Seo and Susan Wijffels to work on a NOAA-funded Tropical Pacific Process Studies, Pre-Field-II project. The project will explore simulation sensitivity of air-sea interaction to choices of flux parameterizations, model resolution and physics (e.g., surface wave effects). We will look at feedbacks to large-scale climate variability and coupled modes, and explore whether existing and future observations can help constrain and validate choices.
The candidate should have strong numerical modeling experience and quantitative analysis skills. Expertise in surface wave modeling and coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling is preferred. Experience with observational analyses of the upper ocean physics, air-sea fluxes, and/or atmospheric boundary layer processes in the tropics is also desirable. Applicants from historically underrepresented groups in oceanography and climate sciences are strongly encouraged to consider this opportunity.
The appointment will be 24 months. Qualified applicants must apply online.
The documents should include
- Brief cover letter
- Full CV
- Contact information (only) of 3 references.
The review of applications will begin as the files are received and continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should contact:
Hyodae Seo ( or Susan Wijffels ( if have questions about the position.
Please apply at:
Hyodae SeoPhysical Oceanography Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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