Post Doc – Oregon State University

Position Summary

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for a full-time (1.00 FTE), 12-month, fixed term Research Associate (Post Doc) position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean.

This Research Associate (Post Doc) (RAPD) will conduct research on the dynamics that drive the circulation and transport in the inner continental shelf, including processes such as wind forcing, shoaling and breaking internal waves, and shoaling surface gravity waves. The RAPD will be part of a multi-institutional team of scientists engaged in the Inner Shelf Dynamics Departmental Research Initiative (Inner Shelf DRI; sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, and will participate in planning and execution of field work to be conducted in central California in late summer and early fall of 2017. The field work includes deployments of moored instruments and intensive ship surveys, coordinated with remote sensing experiments in the region. The RAPD will take a lead in analysis and interpretation of data from this experiment and will assist the Principal Investigators (PIs) in overseeing laboratory and field activities; mentoring undergraduate students; and contributing to public outreach events highlighting the broader impacts of the research.

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences is an internationally recognized leader in the study of the Earth as an integrated system. It operates numerous state-of-the art laboratories and three oceanographic research vessels, the 177-foot ocean-going Oceanus, the 84-foot coastal research vessel Pacific Storm, and the 54-foot coastal research vessel Elakha. The College has an annual budget of more than $50 million, with support coming from the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and other federal agencies. It has more than 100 faculty, 200 graduate students and 600 undergraduate students. Graduate programs include M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Geology; and Geography and a M.S. degree in Marine Resource Management. The college has undergraduate programs in Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences, with several minors and certificate programs.

CEOAS faculty are expected to demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion, including efforts promoting equitable outcomes among learners of diverse and underrepresented identity groups.

Position Duties

20% – Inner Shelf DRI Field Experiment:
Assist in planning and preparation, and participate in the research cruises (three cruises, approximately six weeks in total from September to November 2017) to deploy and recover instruments on moorings and bottom landers and conduct surveys aboard a University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) vessel and a small research vessel in water depths between 10 to 100 meters along the central coast of California (Point Sal).

40% – Data Processing, Archiving, Analysis and Interpretation:
Process and analyze observational data from the Inner Shelf DRI in order to quantify the dynamics of flows and transport in the inner shelf and to determine the importance of different forcing mechanisms (e.g., winds, tides, internal waves, surface gravity waves, submesoscale eddies) and the interactions between these mechanisms. Assist in effectively archiving the data.

25% – Publications and Presentations:
Synthesize and publish results in peer-reviewed journal articles and meeting presentations as directed by PIs. Meet the expectation of being lead author on at least one journal article within 12 months.

15% – Broader Impacts:
Help mentor 1-2 undergraduate students working on related projects. Assist the PIs in managing laboratory activities including maintaining equipment and purchasing supplies. Participate in outreach events such as Marine Science Day.

Minimum/Required Qualifications

  • PhD in Oceanography, Physics, Engineering or related field.
  • Demonstrated written and oral communication skills.
  • Demonstrated research experience in coastal physical oceanography.

Preferred (Special) Qualifications

  • Broad understanding of coastal physical oceanography and dynamics.
  • Extensive processing, analysis and programming experience using programming and analysis software such as Fortran and Matlab.
  • Experience in sea-going experiments and associated physical oceanography instrumentation (e.g., ADCPs and CTDs).
  • A demonstrable eagerness for research collaboration.
  • A demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity.

Deadline to apply: May 15, 2017

Learn more and apply

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