Junior Professorship – Kiel University

Junior Professorship (W1) in Theoretical Physical Oceanography

Bewerbungsschluss: 31.12.2016

Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel intend to attract more qualified women for professorships. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Kiel University, Germany, and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel jointly invite applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible:

Junior Professorship (W1) in Theoretical Physical Oceanography
which is initially appointed for 3 years („Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit”). After positive evaluation, the position will be extended by up to 3 additional years. The junior professorship is embedded at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the research unit “Theory and Modelling” which is part of the research Division “Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics”.

The junior professor is expected to initiate and lead excellent and internationally recognized research in the area of ocean dynamics and contribute to the theoretical understanding of the general ocean circulation and its role in climate variability. We are looking for a candidate with research experience and interests in one or more of the following fields:

  • theory of the large-scale ocean circulation and its variability
  • ocean mixing associated with mesoscale or submesoscale eddies and its parameterisation for use in ocean models
  • development and implementation of inverse methods to aid interpretation of observational datasets
  • dynamical concepts for data assimilation

The junior professorship will thematically and methodically enhance the existing capacity of the research unit. It shall foster and expand the existing collaboration within the research division and across disciplines in Kiel Marine Sciences.

The junior professor is required to participate in the educational programme of ocean and climate physics by teaching in theoretical oceanography at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The teaching commitment is 4 semester hours per week. It is required that lectures can be given in English. The willingness to teach in German within 3 years is expected.

A requirement of the position is a doctoral degree. The position has been opened with respect to Art. § 64 of the “Higher Education Act” of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. General information can be found at the homepage www.berufungen.uni-kiel.de. For additional information about the position please contact Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch (abiastoch(at)geomar.de).

Detailed information about the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel can be found under www.geomar.de.

Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel both wish to increase the number of female scientists in faculty positions and encourage applications of qualified women. Female applicants will be given priority if their qualifications and achievements are equal to those of male applicants. Applications from scientists with disabilities will be given priority in case of equal qualifications. We explicitly encourage candidates with a migration background to apply. Please refrain from submitting photographs.

Applications should be written in English and include (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae including certificates of academic degrees, list of publications, past and present funding and information on teaching experience; (3) statement of previous and future research interests and (4) a teaching plan. Applications together with private and academic mailing and e-mail addresses and telephone number should be submitted by December 31, 2016 to The Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Kiel University, D-24098 Kiel, Germany.

Learn more and apply

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