Ocean Sciences Meeting – 2024

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Monday, February 19th

Marie-Pierre DelisleObservations of Swash, Beach Groundwater, Moisture Levels, and Topographic Change During DUNEX, 10:50am CST Great Hall B, First Floor

Heather Roman-StorkMESI: A Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index for Operational Applications.  16:00-18:00, Poster Hall

Katherine TurnerModel Resolution Dependence of Southern Ocean Storm Activity and Ocean Imprints 16:00-18:00 Poster Hall

Tuesday, February 20th

Sreelekha Jarugula –  Intercomparison of in situ and remote sensing surface salinity products in the global coastal ocean. 08:52 – 09:02,  215-216, Second Floor (Convention Center)

Heidi HirshUtilizing in situ carbonate chemistry, benthic habitat maps, and modeled hydrodynamics to predict present and future impacts of ocean acidification on the Florida Reef Tract, 15:02 – 15:12 220-222, Second Floor (Convention Center)

Holly OlivarezInternal Climate Variability modulates the storage of Anthropogenic Carbon in the Ocean Interior, 12:27 – 12:39 R06-R07, Second Floor (Convention Center)

Caitlin AmosComparison of Vertical Temperature and Salinity Structures in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from Nested Regional Ocean Models, 16:00-18:00 Poster Hall, First Floor

Becca BeutelWater masses of the California Current System as drivers of biogeochemical variability in a semi-enclosed coastal sea. 17:00 – 19:00 Convention Center; Poster Hall, First Floor

Paige Lavin Can Deep Argo Close the Sea Level Budget in the Southwest Pacific Basin? 16:00 – 18:00,  Poster Hall, First Floor.

Wednesday, February 21st

Mara FreilichObservations of localized submesoscale kinetic energy fluxes, 14:45 – 15:00 R09, Second Floor (Convention Center)

Tongxin (Joyce) Cai – Internal Tide Variability off Central California Observed by SWOT Pre-launch moorings and Satellite Altimetry: Multiple Sources, Seasonality, and Eddying Background, 16:00-18:00 Convention Center, Poster Hall, First Floor

Natalie FreemanPhysical and biogeochemical extremes and compound events in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem water column. 16:00 – 18:00, Poster Hall, First Floor

Thursday, February 22nd

Athina Lange – OT41C-02 Automated rectification of UAV video, 8:40-8:50 215-216 Second Floor (Convention Center)

Hannah Joy-WarrenSouthern Ocean Carbon Flux Variability: the Role of Phytoplankton Community Composition, 09:47 225-227, Second Floor (Convention Center).

12:45 – 13:45 TH43K – MPOWIR: Nearly 20 Years of Impact—Looking Toward the Next Chapter R04-R05, Second Floor 

Kirstin SchulzTurbulent vertical transport in the Eurasian Arctic: #trending?, 14:55 Great Hall B, First Floor

 Diane FribanceObservations of a Tidally Pulsed Buoyant Plume: Winyah Bay, SC. 16:00-18:00 Poster hall, First Floor

Friday, February 23rd

Jay Brett – Nature-based Coastal Protection: Oyster Impacts on Waves, Currents, and Flooding under Hurricanes  8:50am, in session CP51B which runs 8:30-10am, R08, second floor.