Fellowship – Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR, Italy)
The Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR, Italy) offers one fellowship for conducting research activitiesat the Unit of Lerici (La Spezia, Italy), related to the Project “CARTHE-III” (http://carthe.org), funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GOMRI).
The focus of the fellowship is the“Development and application of Lagrangian analysis techniques aimed at studying (sub)mesoscale surface dynamics and implications for 3D passive transport”under the scientific responsibility of Dr. Annalisa Griffa.
The research fellow would join a highly experienced group in Lagrangian methods and will participate to the analysis of unique and interesting datasets that should result in a valuable set of publications. Collected datasets include massive drifter deployments in the Gulf of Mexico during two large field campaigns.
The position includes travels abroad for conferences and project meetings.
PhD is not strictly required, but it will be considered title of preference if related to the topic of the announcement.
The duration of the fellowship is one year (renewable).
deadline: May 30, 2019
Call announcement code: ISMAR-008-2019-SP
Please find in attachment the announcement in Italian and English version and further practical information in the
“Tips_application” file. You can also find the announcement at the following link: in English –> https://bandi.urp.cnr.it/doc-assegni/documentazione/8713_DOC_EN.pdf
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