Editorial Fellowship – ASLO

Call for Applications: Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship with L&O Letters

By Adrienne Sponberg on October 18, 2016

Applications Due 14 November

Program description

The Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) is launching the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship, a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of early-career aquatic scientists in scientific publishing, including open-access publishing, peer review, and scientific writing. Raelyn Cole was the Managing Editor of ASLO’s flagship journal, L&O, from 1965 to 1996.  Lyn was recognized with the Tommy and Yvette Edmondson Distinguished Service Award, honoring her long and productive career with ASLO.  In January, ASLO announced the establishment of the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship Fund (http://aslo.org/news/cole_editorial_fund/). Dale Cole and family made a very generous gift as an initial contribution to establish this fund, ASLO provided a matching donation, and additional solicitation of contributions are ongoing.  Annual interest proceeds from the Fund support the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship.

Editorial fellows will get experience in most aspects and exposure to all aspects of the publishing process by working directly with the Editor-in-Chief and several of the Senior and Associate Editors in a new online-only open-access society publication from ASLO, Limnology & Oceanography Letters. The program will give fellows experience to enhance their own research careers and will develop skills necessary to contribute to journals in the future as an editorial board member and peer reviewer, as well as improve their own writing of scientific publications. Fellows will be given a stipend of $1,500 annually for the 2-yr fellowship. Fellows will be expected to participate by reviewing articles, by interacting with associate editors in manuscript decision making, working with the EIC on implementing the open-science initiatives of the journal, and by attending in-person meetings at conferences as appropriate. At the end of the fellowship, fellows will be expected to disseminate their knowledge to other early-career scientists in the form of presentations, an article or essay (i.e., such as in ASLO’s L&O Bulletin), or other venue.


  • Applicants must have successfully completed a PhD program at least 1 yr and not more than 6 yrs prior to applying. Candidates with special circumstances can ask for a waiver of this requirement.
  • Applicants must have published at least 5 articles, with at least 3 as first author.
  • Applicants must have served as a reviewer for at least 2 manuscripts at peer-reviewed journals.
  • Applicants may be in any professional position related to limnology or oceanography at the time of application.

 Fellows Stipend and Other Benefits

  • $1,500 per year
  • Complimentary membership in ASLO during the fellowship years
  • Funds to travel to annual strategy meeting with the publishing staff at Wiley along with ASLO editors and ASLO team members

 Activities the fellow will be expected to be involved in:

  • Participating in the journal functioning by reviewing articles and interacting with associate editors in manuscript decision making
  • Working with the EIC on implementing the open-science initiatives of the journal, including tracking and evaluating authors meeting the data-access requirements
  • Interacting with the EIC in reviewing and updating authors guidelines as needed
  • Attend the annual strategy meeting with the publishing staff at Wiley along with ASLO editors and ASLO team members
  • At the end of the fellowship, fellows will be expected to disseminate their knowledge to other early-career scientists in the form of presentations, an article or essay (i.e., such as in ASLO’s L&O Bulletin), or other venue.


Please submit the following items to Dr. Patricia A. Soranno, Editor-in-Chief, Limnology & Oceanography Letters, by November 14, 2016

  • Current CV
  • An example review that was submitted to a peer reviewed journal (please remove all identifiers of the journal, the article authors and affiliations, dates of the review, and any other identifier that might identify the article, journal, or author).
  • A written statement answering the following 2 questions:
    • A brief statement of your scientific area of expertise (250 words maximum)
    • A statement of how being a Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellow will enhance your professional development as a scientist (1,000 words maximum)
    • A statement about your views on the current state of science publishing (1,000 words maximum) – What is currently working well with current models of peer-review? What could be improved? (extensive citation is not necessary; rather, we are looking for your opinion based on your experience to date and any vision you may have).

 Applications will be reviewed starting November 15, 2016 by a selection committee made up of members of the L&O Letters editorial board. A short-list of potential candidates will be interviewed using video-conferencing, and a single fellow will be selected by December 15, 2016, with a start-date of the fellowship year to commence January 2017.

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