Early Career Leadership Academy
With support provided by IBM, the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Early Career Leadership Academy (ECLA) aims to build and sustain a diverse network of early career leaders in weather, water, and climate science. ECLA will bring together a select group of early career individuals—in particular, women and underrepresented minorities—for an immersion experience in leadership, such as creative problem-solving, conflict resolution, building trust, and enhancing communication skills. We seek early career individuals from a wide range of professions, interests, perspectives, cultures, and experiences.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
AMS defines early career scientists as follows:
Early career is nominally taken to include scientists who are within 10 years of having earned their highest graduate degree or within 15 years of having earned their baccalaureate, whichever is greater. Consideration will also be given, however, to those who are still in the early stage of their careers but have seen these interrupted for up to 5–10 years by family leaves, military service, and the like.
Each year, the AMS selects 30–35 early career professionals to participate in the Academy. All eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:
- qualify as “early career” as defined by the AMS,
- be a member of the AMS, and
- work in the weather, water, or climate science enterprise, including education and policy.
Consideration will be given to applicants who have volunteered their time and service to any AMS board, committee, or panel.
What Should the Participants Expect?
ECLA is an invigorating professional development experience built around emerging trends in weather, water, and climate science enterprise that will shape the future of professions. Topics that will be covered include workplace issues, technology, crisis management, building trust, business acumen for geoscientists, job market volatility, and key societal trends.
Participants will develop new analytical lenses, systems thinking skills, and skills to deal with differences and diversity when making decisions that affect weather, water, and climate.
After graduation, participants will
- benefit from expanded knowledge,
- enjoy a high-quality network of peers and mentors, and
- clarify how they and their organizations will drive change.
8 March 2019 ECLA application deadline
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