Assistant professor in regional-scale computing of transport processes by free-surface waves and flows, Delft University of Technology

Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences

The position is located within the department Hydraulic Engineering. The Department of Hydraulic Engineering aims at a thorough understanding of the behavior of rivers, estuaries, coasts, seas, and interventions in these systems. The focus is on understanding, engineering, designing, and managing human interventions in the natural environment for purposes such as: flood safety, navigation, and construction in water.

The assistant professor will be working in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics (EFM) research group. The group is concerned with the fundamental fluid mechanical aspects of transport processes in rivers, estuaries and coastal zones. We specialise in wave dynamics, physical oceanography, shallow environmental flows and turbulence, fine and cohesive sediments, experimental and numerical fluid mechanics. This has positioned the group as a major international player in, among other fields, ocean wave research and flow modelling.

Application deadline: September 1st, 2019.

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