Assistant or Associate Professor (tenure-track) position, Polar climate modeling – University of Wisconsin-Madison
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking to fill one position for an assistant or associate professor (tenure-track) position in polar climate modeling. This position is part of a campus-wide cluster hiring initiative to add to the vibrant community focused on “The Emerging Polar Regions” that would work at the intersections among earth system components (cryosphere, atmosphere/ocean, and biosphere). The cluster joins a landscape of existing–and historical–strengths in diverse aspects of polar research at UW-Madison. Units participating in the cluster hire include: the Departments of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Botany, Forest and Wildlife Ecology, Geography, Geosciences, and Integrative Biology. Tenure home will be determined at the time of hire based on the selected candidate’s qualifications and interests. Further Information regarding this initiative can be found at:
The selected individual is expected to develop a nationally recognized program of scholarly research; teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate level; advise and mentor undergraduate and graduate students; and contribute to local, university, and national service as appropriate for career stage. Successful candidates will be expected to contribute to an inclusive environment, bring new perspectives on mentoring and educating students from diverse backgrounds, and pursue novel approaches to research.
PhD in Atmospheric, Oceanic, Climate or Earth Sciences, or closely related field required.
UW-Madison is seeking a diverse set of faculty candidates who will deepen our campus’ interdisciplinary research strength in key areas of current and future research promise, as well as faculty candidates who will approach their work in a manner that advances our commitment to research excellence.
The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks to fill one position for an assistant or associate professor (tenure-track) position in polar climate modeling as part of a cluster hire focused on “The Emerging Polar Regions”. The ideal candidate will be innovative in developing and using coupled models to address fundamental problems in polar climate, especially those involving interactions between the ocean, atmosphere, ice sheets, and / or terrestrial and marine ecosystems. We seek candidates able to work across system boundaries and able to build research linkages to other cluster hires and to other polar researchers on campus.
“The Emerging Polar Regions” is an interdisciplinary and integrated hire focused on the intersections among earth system components with three tenure-track hires in the cryosphere [PVL 100768], polar climate [this position; PVL 100766], and polar ecology and ecosystems [PVL 100769]. Applications are encouraged from scientists representing a broad spectrum of polar climate modeling expertise. AOS will serve as the home department for the polar climate modeler position.
The UW Cluster Hiring Initiative is designed to foster collaborative research, education and outreach by creating new interdisciplinary areas of knowledge that cross the boundaries of existing academic departments. Further information regarding this initiative can be found at:
“The Emerging Polar Regions” leverages a diverse landscape of existing and historical strengths in polar and global-change research at UW-Madison that spans many departments, research centers, and units on campus including Botany, Forest and Wildlife Ecology, Geography, Integrative Biology, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geoscience, the Center for Limnology, the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC), the Nelson Institute’s Center for Climatic Research (CCR) and Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), and Wisconsin Ecology.
The AOS Department continues to sustain and enhance its historical strength in the areas of climate, remote sensing, and weather systems. Professors in the AOS Department have excellent opportunities to engage in synergistic collaborations with scientists in the Center for Climate Research (CCR), Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE). AOS is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment, and aim to add new faculty who value collegiality and collaboration in both research and teaching.
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