Applications for the Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) program now being accepted

The Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) is a standing committee of scientists who provide advice and support to the NDSF. DeSSC convenes every six months, and the DeSSC fall meeting is an open forum for marine scientists to learn about scientific discoveries and technical advances, as well as to express their opinions about NDSF activities.

DeSSC is committed to increasing the involvement of students and postdoctoral/early career scientists in DeSSC. To that end, we wish to encourage more involvement of students and postdoctoral and early career scientists at DeSSC fall meetings. To facilitate this objective, a new program has been created to: 1) expose students and early career scientists to DeSSC and the NDSF, 2) engage these participants in DeSSC advisory activities, 3) offer participants training and mentoring in the process of developing financial support for use of NDSF vehicles, and 4) enable participants to network with scientists actively involved in NDSF-supported research. These goals will be achieved by directly involving participants in the DeSSC fall meeting, and through post-meeting mentoring workshops in which scientists provide instruction on grant-writing, expedition planning and vehicle usage.

The DeSSC fall meeting will occur on Sunday, December 4th (the day before the start of the 2011 AGU Fall meeting) in San Francisco, CA. Students and early career scientists can apply for financial support to offset the cost of travel and lodging for the DeSSC meeting. Participants must attend the entire DeSSC meeting (starting at 8:30 am) and evening seminars on Sunday, Dec 4th.

For more information, and to apply: DeSSC2011_OpportunityAnnouncement

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